A picture is worth 1,000 words.
Sometimes, you just have to call them how you see them.
Orly Taitz is the founder of the Birther Movement. You can google her name and see videos to your heart’s content. Then, you will understand why she is not qualified.
Dan Hughes has spent $135,000 with 90% of that money on staff and paying Dave Gilliard. None of them have done a thing for Mr. Hughes. Hughes has traveled the entire state of CA and has yet to land an endorsement of anyone other than Chuck DeVore (who cut and ran from California).
Al Ramirez? He said after getting the CRA endorsement that he was going to win with grassroots. Really? Ron Paul thought he could win with Grass, too…
Al Ramirez is also fond of tweeting insults aimed at the main opponent Elizabeth Emken – which is all fine and dandy in a campaign, until the family is drawn in to the fray.
The amateur errors, Ramirez’ chauvinism, Hughes’ retarded emails or the dearth of video evidence about Orly’s state of mind earn the three of them a place in the political cartoon hall of fame.
Meantime, Madam #facepalm is wondering if she will even have to worry about all the money Kindy Durkee stole from her.
Elizabeth Emken is the adult in the room, for sure. She will force madam #facepalm to actually have to run a campaign.
— end of lesson.